1. Leverage on TNT

Premise: Timothy Hutton leads a team of con artists that include an actress (Gina Bellman), a guy who punches people (Christian Kane), a computer hacker (Aldis Hodge), and a thief (Beth Riesgraf). They steal from corrupt rich people. How's that for a byline?
Why I watched: Couldn't rent Hustle through my co-worker's Blockbuster online membership. Opted to try an American take on a heist series instead.
Expectations: Not high - since the glowing reviews quoted in the promos referenced Ocean's 12 and 13 as a means for lavish comparison. The fact that the reviewer had to distinguish the sequels from the original gave me the indication that the series may be fun, but not of the highest quality.
Review: Initially, a bit clunky with the victims (who the viewers are supposed to sympathize with for the team to help) being entirely over-wrought. Attempts at humor seemed a bit forced, but after a few episodes, the talented actors seemed to get a hang on their characters and really gelled, complete with great chemistry and LOL moments. The cons are really clever and entertaining (albeit typically TV-land plausible) where I actually can't see the twists coming. Acting wise, I now have a little girl crush on Beth Riesgraf. By the fantastic season finale, I'm absolutely hooked and looking forward to the next season for sure.
2. Dollhouse on FOX.

Premise: Joss Whedon's new series where a corporation known as Dollhouse implants personalities onto blank humans to be used by rich people for whatever means they want. Eliza Dushku plays a "doll" named Echo. Tahmoh Penikett of BSG fame(HOOOOT) is an FBI agent trying to find Dollhouse.
Why I watched: Buffy. Angel. Firefly. Doctor Horrible.
Expectations: Joss Whedon? Excruciatingly high. Though, I'm not as huge a fan of Eliza Dushku as other Whedonites are. Don't know if she has range beyond Badass Punchy Girl.
Review: After two episodes. Meh. The premise of Dollhouse so far just seems like a glorified whorehouse with a geek-edge to it. Basically, Weird Science 2.0. What really makes the series falter is that I don't care about Echo one bit or what happens to her. When she's in peril during her "engagements", there's absolutely no investment because I know she'll just have her memory erased and revert to a boring glossy-eyed child. Coming from Whedon, who's forte ARE his characters, having a series centered around one with, literally, zero personality of her own is just jarring. Acting wise, Eliza does a good job of angry woman but kind of just looks confused when she's emoting.