Last night I had an interesting dream. I was doing my usual thing of analyzing particular physical attributes of other people when randomly, someone pointed out I had really big armpits. I looked over, and lo and behold, I did have huge armpits. It seemed to make perfect sense in my dream, but in the real world, I wonder what that would actually look like. Is it POSSIBLE to have overlarge armpits? Profound hypothetical question of the day.
Last night was also the season finale of Heroes.

Overall, I have to agree with Tim Kring's consensus that the writers definitely screwed up somewhat and this season was just pretty much a tease of what could had happened with no real satisfaction. Also, Maya screaming, "YOU KILLED MY BROTHA!!" instead of using her creepy eye mojo further reiterated the fact that her character has been the largest waste of screen time in the history of television. I still have hope for the third season, despite this one's lackings. Though Claire's blood bringing people back from the dead really feels like a cop out - now the writers have a nice go to whenever they want to bring back characters that ate it.
A few weeks ago, I came across the greatest about-me. I figured I'd post:
About Me
*hi* i'm 26 and a total cutie! *(^ ^)* i like to laugh and i love to eat cookies and ice cream - yum!! *(><)* heehee *^ ^* ummmm.... what else? oh yeah~ i'm aZn and i'm from sO kaLi and i luuuuuuuv my boyfriend! ~*(^ ^)*~ *teehee* huggleZ to every1~!! ------------ i didn't know what to write, but i used some exemplars from the "I'm cute" blogring.
The Spice Girls have started their tour. I was never a fan, but I can't pass up another flashy photoshop opportunity:
1 comment:
haha i like you as a blonde
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