I took the leap and decided to create an entirely new blog separate from the one I've had for the past six years. My reasons:
1. Previous blog had crappy picture uploading capabilities.
2. The always dependable herd mentality. Everyone's doing it!
3. A newfound resolution to write actual entries and not just blurbs of the brief entertaining moments of my life.
4. A masochistic (and egotistical) need to post public evidence on just how much of a jackass I can be.
So pretty much, the little articles, links, pictures, and quotes I find so entertaining will continue to be delegated to Old blog. New blog will consist of repetitious, pretentious ramblings/rantings in the hopes that a moment of genuine profoundness may leak through (or at least a well-formed sentence). Unfortunately, chances are I'll just end up writing entries criticizing something that I'm actually doing in the entry itself. ("I hate it when friends complain about other friends!" "I hate haterz!" "Crazy bitches need to DIIEEEE!!!"). Oh well, if I dish it, might as well take it, too.
So, we (or I) begin.
I know in general, parents are always kinda nuts/weird no matter what. But recent events are continually convincing me that mine are miles beyond the bell curve of normal.
Evidence A:
A couple days ago, my mom described her first date with my dad when she was an undergraduate and he was a grad student at Taiwan University. Basically his plan was to take her to the local concert that he claimed he could get tickets for a good deal since he was a student.
So here's what happenend:
6:00 - My mom waits for him outside her place.
6:30 - My dad finally arrives. His reason for being late? Playing basketball with his buddies. My mom strangely takes it as a good thing that he's honest with her. I'm thinking he's just socially retarded.
6:45 - Head to the concert where my mom discovers that he DIDN'T buy the tickets like he said because he was too busy and forgot. My dad ruins his chance to make up for it by freaking out over the high cost of the scalper tickets and dragging my mom to a crowded restaurant instead.
7:00 - My mom already ate but my dad's starving so she she sits there drinking coffee while he eats - which, from my experience of sharing several meals with him, alone can be the gross out challenge of a Fear Factor episode. We're talking chewing with his mouth open, talking with his mouth full, slurping, food in his teeth, the works.
8:00 - The go to a lookout point where my dad proceeds to tell her that he's DATING SOMEONE. Again, my mom is weird and is okay with it - telling him she doesn't care because she hasn't even made up her mind if she liked him or not but she is worried about the girl because he doesn't seem to like her that much. My dad's really confused that my mom isn't pissed off.
Three days later, he breaks up with the girl and asks my mom on another date.
Final thoughts: I'm officially blaming all my social inappropriateness on my genetics.
The happy couple:

1. Previous blog had crappy picture uploading capabilities.
2. The always dependable herd mentality. Everyone's doing it!
3. A newfound resolution to write actual entries and not just blurbs of the brief entertaining moments of my life.
4. A masochistic (and egotistical) need to post public evidence on just how much of a jackass I can be.
So pretty much, the little articles, links, pictures, and quotes I find so entertaining will continue to be delegated to Old blog. New blog will consist of repetitious, pretentious ramblings/rantings in the hopes that a moment of genuine profoundness may leak through (or at least a well-formed sentence). Unfortunately, chances are I'll just end up writing entries criticizing something that I'm actually doing in the entry itself. ("I hate it when friends complain about other friends!" "I hate haterz!" "Crazy bitches need to DIIEEEE!!!"). Oh well, if I dish it, might as well take it, too.
So, we (or I) begin.
I know in general, parents are always kinda nuts/weird no matter what. But recent events are continually convincing me that mine are miles beyond the bell curve of normal.
Evidence A:
A couple days ago, my mom described her first date with my dad when she was an undergraduate and he was a grad student at Taiwan University. Basically his plan was to take her to the local concert that he claimed he could get tickets for a good deal since he was a student.
So here's what happenend:
6:00 - My mom waits for him outside her place.
6:30 - My dad finally arrives. His reason for being late? Playing basketball with his buddies. My mom strangely takes it as a good thing that he's honest with her. I'm thinking he's just socially retarded.
6:45 - Head to the concert where my mom discovers that he DIDN'T buy the tickets like he said because he was too busy and forgot. My dad ruins his chance to make up for it by freaking out over the high cost of the scalper tickets and dragging my mom to a crowded restaurant instead.
7:00 - My mom already ate but my dad's starving so she she sits there drinking coffee while he eats - which, from my experience of sharing several meals with him, alone can be the gross out challenge of a Fear Factor episode. We're talking chewing with his mouth open, talking with his mouth full, slurping, food in his teeth, the works.
8:00 - The go to a lookout point where my dad proceeds to tell her that he's DATING SOMEONE. Again, my mom is weird and is okay with it - telling him she doesn't care because she hasn't even made up her mind if she liked him or not but she is worried about the girl because he doesn't seem to like her that much. My dad's really confused that my mom isn't pissed off.
Three days later, he breaks up with the girl and asks my mom on another date.
Final thoughts: I'm officially blaming all my social inappropriateness on my genetics.
The happy couple:

HAHA ok so..
#1 now i really want blogspot instead of xanga.
#2 your parents ARE wierd
#3 you forgot the "y" in they. HAHA :)
FINALLY made the jump to a more normal blog
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