Clothes and TV.
Seeing how I've been covering the latter ad nauseam since..well, forever, how about a little discussion on the former?
So. I like nice looking clothes. I'm just too cheap and lazy to explore beyond the confines of Target, my sister's closet, and my laptop. Scanning around my sample of friends from LA and SF, fashion tends to just blend together into a hodgepodge of leggings, ankle boots, Greek sandals, trench coats, short dresses, and/or long shirts. So picking out something individually for myself within the masses? Kind of hard.
What's easier? Laughing at really atrocious fashion. Ha. What better way to find it than the SALE link on various high end clothing stores? Sure, you could always go to whatever celeb fashion police site and cackle gloriously at whatever dlist atrocity decides to make an appearance, but I find it's more satisfying discovering something that was made with the intention of regular folk (with minorly above average income or no dependents) to actually purchase and be ridiculed in public.
So today's fashion no-nos come courtesy of a clothing site I actually like (kind of a reminder not to be a slave to brand names/stores because they all are capable of producing crap):
1) ModCloth:The Van Gogh Jumper

The cyclical nature of trends has a way of smacking me in the face in hindsight. I told myself that the unflattering tight capris from Grease could never make comeback, Cowboy boots were for rednecks, and sequins were too much of a little girl pageant throwback to ever be worn seriously by adults. Of course, I ended up wearing all three at one point or the other (yay hypocrite!). So, I could be wrong picking out this little ensemble right here, but if the day comes when I'm caught wearing a floral multiple muffin top and pumpkin thighs inducing jumper, feel free to kick my ass.
2) ModCloth: My Way or the High Waist Shorts

uhh yeah, what are those shorts? how can pleather be comfortable.
those are...heinous.
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