Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Epic Fail

Yesterday was the first day of P90X. The basic breakdown of activity:

40% spastic jerking. I'm too busy staring at the tv, trying to match my uncoordinated limbs to what Pam the Blam is doing and failing miserably. How are you supposed to keep your eye on the target and see what's going on at the same time? Focus on form, my ass.

40% flailing and collapsing. My bunny hop was basically a panting Grapevine shuffle. The superman pose translated to my personal interpretation of a human Twinkie (I'd say log, but even wood is probably in better shape than I am now). Lending further hand to the indignity of my soft, mushy unathleticism was the fact that with every face plant I endured from a failed push-up, I got the added bonus of being covered from head to toe in dog hair. Time to vacuum.

10% gawking. I don't care what the infomercial says. There is NO WAY in hell I'm ever going to get around to doing a Chattanooga running push up.

I knew I was in for trouble when my butt started hurting all sorts of severe during the basic warm up. To think, I was haranguing myself for failing to steal back my weights from my dad. Ha. What a joke.

Results: arms and legs are pretty sore today. I can only imagine what it'd be like if I actually did the recommended number of reps (correctly).

Whoo Sharks!

[edit] Jess kindly noted that I've lost all ability to count to 100. I blame it on lactic buildup around my brain.


Amy said...

not sure what p90x is...but i'm guessing it's something like wii fit? ... anyway, if you're a human twinkie, i'm a human fried twinkie.

BungBung said...

what is the last 10%?