This season (and a good portion of the last), the writers of The Office have made it clear that their task is to present newer alternatives to plot devices/character eccentricities that made Season 1 and 2 so great. Unfortunately, these upgraded versions aren't really that funny (or cute in some particular endeavors). Cases in point:
1. Dwight and Jim:

What had once been a comedic cornerstone of the show - Jim antagonizing Dwight - has now taken a backseat to the completely dull coupledom of Jim and Pam and the sporadically humorous love-triangle of Dwight-Andy-Angela. Nothing is more painful than watching the two male leads waste important minutes of screen time pining after their mutual mates. Where's the funny? Aside from the brilliant factually incorrect BSG monologue, Dwight and Jim's chemistry has been at an all time low. Bummer.
2. Pam 2.0:

Last week's episode clinched it. Pam is no longer likable. Gone is the plain-but-beautiful, shy, sensitive with a mean streak, humorous girl. In place is a borderline bitchy, clearly manipulative, overconfident, unfunny woman. Got to give the writer's some credit - they managed to illustrate rather accurately the real life occurrence among some women where upon snagging a man, the feeling of empowerment on finding a guy who likes them translates into an overall increase in confidence, which leads to outspoken behavior that isn't necessarily pleasant to witness. Some examples: a) the microwave incident; b) threatening Jim. Anyway, as realistic as it is, again, NOT FUNNY.
3. Michael's man-crush on Ryan: Bring it back!
4. Jim and Pam:

To quote Jess: "wah wahhh...zzzzzz." The romantic tension has officially left the building. While it's not necessary to break them up to keep things interesting, it would be nice if so much screen time wasn't focused on them playing-cute-that-isn't-very-cute-at-all. Yes, after two and a half season of "will they or won't they", it's happy times now that the two are together. But PLEASE stop cramming it down the viewers' throats. We get it - Jim is a nice guy and Pam is a lucky girl. What's next? (Maybe some Karen? Please?).
5. Kelly Kapoor: Not a huge complaint. But resorting to pregnancy and rape lies for humor - really?
Not that everything is all bad: a) Andy's character has come miles in terms of the obnoxious anger-management needing a-hole from season 3; b) The increase of Darryl from the warehouse is highly welcomed; and c) Holly and Michael geeky moments were awkwardly sweet. So while The Office hasn't necessarily jumped the shark to the extent that Heroes has (an entire rant post within itself), the moments of hilarity dispersed through this season have not been often or consistent enough to warrant a Thursday 9pm appointment with the couch.
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