Reality is, I like the majority of people, extremely dislike a small minority of them, and get annoyed by all of them at one point of the other. Of course, the last point is more of a reflection of my lack of patience, adjustment, and understanding and I'd be incredibly stupid to always assume general intellectual superiority is what leads to my irritation.

That being said, here are a couple cynical, grossly-simplified "About Me" translations of the day! Yaaaaay.
Common Assertion:"I'm trying to find myself."
Translation: "I'm self-centered to the point where I rationalize my impulsive, irresponsible actions into a statement of my deep profoundness me, of course."
Common Assertion:"I'm really sweet, but if you wrong me, I will be a total bitch."
Translation: "I'm insecure and boring to the point where I interpret my emotional immaturity as a character strength as opposed to what it really is...and I cause drama because it gives me attention."
Corgi puppies to diffuse the aura of crankyness preceding this statement: