Friday, December 18, 2009

The piano’s this melancholy soundtrack to her smile

"I’m a sucker for strings and lyrics, and broken-hearted love songs. This one gets props for all three"

So imagining a mash up with The Scientist and Dreams.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Brain Vomit

Waking up so early in the mornings, I'm finding that general sleepiness, overall incoherence, and a desire to not program at the butt crack of dawn often leads to a disturbing lack of inhibition. Or mainly, a state of sober semi-drunkenness where I think I've come up with something interesting/meaningful that has to be stated and receive insulting but accurate (upon post-morning ruminating) replies from my BFFs. The brain races and continually smashes into a brick wall, I guess. Ah. Awkwardness. Embrace it.