So. How about a formal introduction? My new roomie Andrew from South Carolina:

He's interning at the lab this summer and is a pretty fun guy. For one thing, he allows me to pay photoshop homage to his mad skills of impersonating the Beastie Boys.
And another - he teaches me awesome dance moves. This one is called "The Stick":

Our current living situation wouldn't have come to fruition if he hadn't met this charmer of a guy:
That's Dave. He let's me pay creepy homage to his love for Miley Cyrus:

He and Andrew met last summer when they were both interns at the lab. They have pretty good chemistry and enjoy bonding over their mutual affection for striped collared shirts and mimicked katana fights:
After a chance severely awkward meeting with Ashley on BART, the rest is year-old history. Unfortunately, Dave couldn't return this summer and Ashley's at law school, so I'm pretty much left to my own personal devices to keep Andrew entertained. Future updates on how that comes along. So far, two weeks in, it hasn't been too bad. No " they do the Charleston in Charleston? Hardy har har." moments yet. Score one for me.