Friday, January 25, 2008

Watching Too Much TV Again

Yesterday, I completed the first season of Veronica Mars in 4 days with Ashley. It's been a while since I gave the good old swoon a work out. Therefore, today's entry will focus on an analysis of my favorite guilty-pleasure plot device: The meant-for-each-other-but-we-have-to-wait-several-episodes-(sometimes seasons)-to-get-together-couple.

So basically there's two ways to start off:
1. Girl dates (or dated) jerk, meant for nice guy. Examples: Jam, and Chuck and Sarah. Tried to get it going with Simone and Peter, but that just SUUUUuuuucked.
2. Girl dates nice guy, but meant for jerk who's actually a nice guy. Example: Buffy and Spike, Rory and Jess, most recently LoVe Boat (term coined courtesy of TWoP), and pretty much any Asian pop drama out there.

My personal favorite is choice number 2 (if done well - I dislike Asian Dramas). Unfortunately reality really sucks and most often the jerk always remains a jerk. No amazing transformation from asshole to whipped puppy just because he finds a girl he likes. Choice number 1 is more representative of true reality where all the single guys whine about why all the girls go for the assholes. Personal aside: as obnoxious as jerk behavior is, a fullgrown man PMSing is inifinitely worse.

Next phase in the all-encompassing lurve are the obstacles, usually consisting of (but not exclusive to):
1. Secondary love interest.
2. The ex.
3. Pregnancy.
4. Car accident/killer on the loose.

Which amazingly, the writers maintain for an extensive period of time before any resolution arrives. The long wait unfortunately means either: (1)by the time the two end up together, we're stuck with a lingering sense they actually might not last due to all the trauma they had to endure, (2) the actor portraying one of the characters leaves the show because there's only so much mooning one can take; or (3) the show gets cancelled without any resolution or a cheap tacked-on make out scene at the last second. Anyway, these things end up not being too great for my emotional well-being or my issues dealing with frustration, but I just can't help but get sucked in nonetheless.

Oh supercouples, what you do to me. Personal thanks to Ashley for getting me started again. Logan did think you were hot:

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blog Log = Redundant Term

It's been less than 24 hours since Nick left for Tahoe. Log of uncool behavior thus far:

Unnecessary facebook picture comments on Jess's profile: 2
Episodes of Veronica Mars watched: 4
Hours of harping over why Veronica isn't with Logan yet and that Duncan sucks: 3+
Episodes of Samurai Jack watched: 1.5
Minutes of Celeb Gossip with Ashley: approx. 50
Bowls of Pho ingested: 1
Cross-stitches stitched: 20
Minutes of GMAT Studying: 0

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Amy got engaged

And I'm now a bridesmaid. Since I'm generally a pain in the ass, chances are she'll force me to wear something horrendous and I'll end up looking like this:

I totally rock it.